Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated
Interested in becoming a sister of Theta Nu Xi?
Theta Nu Xi is a sisterhood dedicated to embracing women of all races, cultures, religions, backgrounds, and lifestyles.
Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. welcomes all who identify as a woman, and does not discriminate against any applicant for membership on the basis of race, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, physical and/or mental ability, marital status, and/or parental status.
The Xi Beta Chapter is a GAP Chapter.
GAP is the graduate, alumnae and professional program of Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Inc. GAP women are currently pursuing graduate degrees, are professional women with at least a bachelor’s degree, or have transitioned from an undergraduate chapter as alumnae.
GAP women strive to promote the ideals of our sorority among graduate students, alumnae, and professional women; to unite women of various cultural backgrounds; and, to promote awareness of multicultural issues.
Membership in GAP chapters and colonies provides an incredible network of women across the world who are pursuing professional careers and lifestyles. As more and more women enter the professional realm, GAP has become a crucial element of this sorority. There are currently GAP chapters and colonies across the country, as well as a GAP Anchor chapter serving women who are not in close proximity to a physical chapter.
GAP is different from the undergraduate experience as it allows for more of a focus on the professional development and personal support of individual members during a time when many life-changing decisions are made – marriage, children, home ownership, graduate school, career advancement, etc.
GAP allows members a chance to mentor undergraduate women.
For more information, contact our Membership Coordinator.
If you have general questions about Xi Beta or Graduate, Alumnae, and Professional Chapters, contact Xi Beta at or by filling out the form to the right.